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Psychotherapy aims to:

  • Learn about who we are from the “inside”
  • Developing self understanding and finding our “irreplaceable worth”
  • Making sense of our emotional life and ways of being/functioning
  • Making links between present and past. Along with focusing on our here and now experience
  • Non-judgemental understanding and interpretation helps us to “make sense” of our thoughts, feelings and unknown parts of ourselves, how they influence our choices and lived experience
  • Enabling us to make new choices heal the “self” so that we may live our “unique potential”


Mindfulness has been shown to have dramatic positive effect on our physical health and brain structure, leading to improved mental and intellectual functioning, as well as increasing our emotional wellbeing”. Research shown mindfulness leads people to feel calmer and experience greater happiness in their day-to-day lives.

Clinical Mindfulness enables us to:

  • Become aware and accepting of our lived experiences moment by moment
  • Leading us to “self acceptance”,
  • Reducing and over time eliminating harmful patterns of stress, depression, anxiety, traumatic memories and more.

Gela de Brugiere Qualifiations:

Clinical Psychotherapist, Neurotherapist Trauma Counsellor, B.A. Dip. Ed. Psychotherapy. Certificate Psychotherapy, Certificate Family Therapy. Advanced Certificate Family Therapy, Applied Clinical Psychotherapy, Post Graduate Studies Interpersonal Neurobiology (United States), Clinical member Australian Psychotherapy-Counselling Assoc, Formal Studies in Contemplative and Mindfulness Practice, Member Global Assoc. of Interpersonal Neuroscience, Affiliate Member EEG Education and Research,